Default Constructor.
Initializer Constructor.
Items to assign.
Copy Constructor
Object to copy.
Fill Constructor.
Initial size.
Value to fill.
Range Constructor.
Input iterator of the first position.
Input iterator of the last position.
Maximum capacity that current matrix_ can store in.
A matrix containing elements.
This matrix_ is the biggest difference one between Vector and Deque. Its number of rows follows {@link ROW_SIZE} and number of columns follows {@link get_col_size} which returns divide of capacity and {@link ROW_SIZE}.
By separating segment of elements (segment: row, elements in a segment: col), Deque takes advantage of time complexity on inserting element in middle position. Deque is {@link ROW_SIZE} times faster than Vector when inserting elements in middle position.
However, separating segment of elements from matrix, Deque also takes disadvantage of time complexity on accessing element. Deque is {@link ROW_SIZE} times slower than Vector when accessing element.
Number of elements stored in the Deque
Range Assigner.
Input iteartor of the first position.
Input iterator of the last position.
Get element at specific position.
Specific position.
The element at the index.
Get the last element.
The last element.
The capacity to store elements.
The capacity.
Get the first element.
The first element.
Get iterator at specific position.
Specific position.
The iterator at the index.
Erase the last element.
Insert items at the end.
Items to insert.
Number of elements in the container after insertion.
Reserve capacity enable to store n elements.
The capacity to reserve.
Resize this Vector forcibly.
New container size.
Change element at specific position.
Specific position.
The new value to change.
Native function for JSON.stringify()
An array containing children elements.
Generated using TypeDoc
Double ended queue.
Jeongho Nam -