Array type schema info.

interface IArray {
    deprecated?: boolean;
    description?: string;
    example?: any;
    examples?: Record<string, any>;
    items: IGeminiSchema;
    nullable?: boolean;
    type: "array";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


deprecated?: boolean

Whether the type is deprecated or not.

document of Gemini says not supported, but cannot sure

description?: string

Detailed description of the schema.

example?: any

Example value.

document of Gemini says not supported, but cannot sure

examples?: Record<string, any>

List of example values as key-value pairs.

document of Gemini says not supported, but cannot sure

Items type schema info.

The items means the type of the array elements. In other words, it is the type schema info of the T in the TypeScript array type Array<T>.

nullable?: boolean

Whether to allow null value or not.

type: "array"

Discriminator value of the type.