Samchon Framework for CPP
▼Nsamchon | |
▼Nexample | |
►Nchat_service | A chat service inherited from cloud service |
►Ninteraction | |
▼Nexamples | |
►Npacker | |
►Ntsp | |
▼Nlibrary | |
CBase64 | Utility class for base64 format's en-decoding |
CCaseGenerator | Case generator |
CCharset | A utility class supporting conversion between multiple character-sets |
CCombinedPermutationGenerator | A combined-permutation case generator |
CCriticalAllocator | An allocator ensuring concurrency |
CDate | Date (year, month, day in month) |
CErrorEvent | Event representing an error |
CEvent | Represent an event running on background |
CEventDispatcher | Abstract class for dispatching Event |
CFactorialGenerator | Factorical case generator |
CGAParameters | A structure containing parameters of genetic algorithm |
CGAPopulation | A population in a generation in G.A |
CGeneticAlgorithm | A genetic algorithm class |
CHTTPLoader | A http, web-page loader |
CIOperator | Interface for comparision operator |
CMath | Utility of Math |
CPermutationGenerator | A permutation case generator |
CProgressEvent | Event representing a progress |
CRWMutex | Rw_mutex |
CSemaphore | A semaphore |
CSharedAcquire | Shared acquire from a Semaphore |
CSharedReadLock | Shared lock from a RWMutex |
CSharedWriteLock | Shared lock from a RWMutex |
CSQLi | A SQL interface; DBMS connector |
CSQLStatement | A sql statement |
CStringUtil | Utility class for string |
CTSQLi | A SQL interface for T-SQL |
CUniqueAcquire | Unique acquire from a Semaphore |
CUniqueReadLock | Unique lock for reading |
CUniqueWriteLock | Unique lock for writing |
CURLVariables | URLVariables class is for representing variables of HTTP |
CXML | |
▼Nprotocol | |
CClientDriver | |
CCommunicator | |
CEntity | An entity, a standard data class |
CEntityGroup | An Entity and a container of children Entity objects |
CEntityGroupBase | An iternface for entity group |
CFlashPolicyServer | A flash policy server |
CIEntityChain | A chain of entity |
CIHTMLEntity | An interface supporting conversion to html |
CIListener | |
CInvoke | Standard message of network I/O |
CInvokeParameter | A parameter of an Invoke |
CIProtocol | |
CISQLEntity | An interface supporting DB-I/O |
CServer | |
CServerConnector | |
CWebClientDriver | |
CWebCommunicator | |
CWebServer | |
CWebServerConnector | |
▼Ntemplates | |
►Ndistributed | |
►Nexternal | |
►Nparallel | |
►Nservice | |
►Nslave | |
CByteArray | Binary data class |
CHashMap | Customized std::unordered_map |
CIndexPair | A pair of index and its value(T) |
CSmartPointer | Global shared pointer |
CTreeMap | Customized std::map |
CWeakString | A string class only references characeters, reference only |